What Are The Different Types of Otoplasty Surgery?

Self-esteem can be a serious issue, not just fluctuating weight or height can cause such distress. Even a little facial feature like oversized, undersized, or oddly shaped ears can cause embarrassment and psychological distress.

By choosing to do an otoplasty surgery, i.e., ear surgery in Beverly Hills, you can quickly gain lacking confidence. Let’s take a look at the three types of otoplasty surgeries.

1- Ear reduction:
Ear reduction involves the removal of some of the ear’s outer tissue. It can correct the abnormal size of the earlobe or condition such as macrotia. Ear reduction surgery removes excess cartilage, creating an appearance that is more in proportion with the rest of your face.

2- Ear augmentation:
Ear augmentation can give your ear more structure, ensuring that all of its components are balanced. A malformed or disfigured ear can also get treated with augmentation by taking cartilage from other parts of your body.

3- Ear pinback:
Ear pinback is the most common type of otoplasty surgery. Ears that protrude too far from the face can get pulled back towards the cheeks using this surgery. The procedure involves a simple incision at the base of the external ear and removal of some cartilage to enhance the effect.

Bottom line

All of these procedures can get executed as an outpatient procedure that will require local anesthetic and minimal recovery time. 

If this blog suggests that you require an otoplasty, then visit Barrett Plastic Surgery for the best ear surgery in Beverly hills.


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