What Are The Different Types Of Breast Lift Techniques?

One size never fits all, and the same happens when it comes to breast lifting as well. The best lift for your bosoms depends totally upon the proportion of your body. There are a variety of different incision techniques used for breast lift surgery, and those incisions are directly proportional to the existing breast tissue, the removal of excess amount of skin, and individual goals for the outcome of the surgery.

Let's take an in-depth view of the different types of breast lift techniques based on your needs.

1- The scar-less lift:

A scar-less lift is the least invasive lift available. Instead of making incisions into your skin, your surgeon will use a system of electrical currents or ultrasound to heat the fat cells and skin of your breasts. These, in turn, causes the tissue to tighten and get firm, creating the desired lift; opt for this technique if you notice a minimal sagging.

2- Crescent lift:

The crescent lift incision technique gets less commonly used than the other options. The crescent breast lift requires just one incision that runs halfway along the top outer edge of the areola. It also fills out the often-deflated skin that occurs with aging, weight loss, and after pregnancy or breastfeeding.

3- Donut lift:

You can opt for donut breast lift in Beverly hills if you have more moderate sagging. With this technique, your surgeon will make one, circular incision around the entire outer edge of your areola and create a subtle lifting. Based on the incision's shape, this lift is also known as "peri-areolar lift."

4- Lollipop lift:

A lollipop lift gets recommended for women who want some reshaping done while also correcting any sag. It is one of the most common types of lifts; in this technique, the first incision is around the edge of the areola, and the other one starts from the areola to the breast crease.

5- Anchor lift:

If you require a dramatic reshaping due to significant sagging, your surgeon will recommend you with the Anchor lift technique. There are three incisions involved in this technique, first circling the outer edge of the areola, second vertically running from the bottom of the areola, and third horizontally along the natural breast crease. This lift often results in the worst scarring compared to other techniques.

Bottom line

So, these are some top techniques used while breast lifting, to decide which breast lift technique will work best for you, your surgeon will evaluate your concerns to determine the severity of your breast sagging. Based on the conclusion and your needs, the surgeon will recommend a technique that will offer you the best result.

If you are considering a donut breast lift in Beverly Hills, get in touch with Barrett Plastic Surgery for best consultation and technique.

Micheal Gilbert is the author of this Article: To know more about donut breast lift in Beverly Hills please visit the Website: drdanielbarrett.com


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