What Should I Do After My Transgender Breast Augmentation?

 Every transgender woman is provided with estrogen by their doctors to enhance breast growth. However, it is possible that the breast size may not be adequate for them. And that is when they turn toward Transgender surgery in Los Angeles.

So, if you are one of those who have gone through Transgender surgery in Los Angeles, then this article will assist you in what you can do after the surgery.

1- The incision may be covered in glue:
Your surgeon may use surgical glue to cover the incision. This means there won’t be a need for a dressing change. In fact, the glue will fall off on its own once the skin starts healing. However, you can experience itching or pain during the healing process, which is normal.

2- Prefer sleeping on your back:
The treated area is prone to bruising or swelling. That is why to sleep on your back and use multiple pillows for support and elevate the head.

3- You can shower a day later:
Avoid swimming or soaking yourself for at least a month after surgery. However, a light shower is fine a day after the surgery.

4- Take proper rest for next 2-3 days:
Avoid any strenuous activity for two weeks. Make sure to have someone around with you so that you can take adequate rest.

Bottom line
So, there you go. These are some of the things that you need to take care of after the surgery.
But if you are looking forward to a Transgender surgery in Los Angeles, then connect with Barrett Plastic Surgery because only a professional will know what is right for you.


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