Common Ear Surgical Procedures

Ear infections could be treated with medications. However, in some cases, you would have to opt for a surgical procedure. Here are some of the treatments done for ear surgery in Beverly Hills. The ear surgical procedures help to cure many chronic ear infections.


This is an ear surgery that is done to repair a hole in your eardrum. There is no infection in your middle ear as well as no disease caused in your ear bone. The operation helps to close your middle ear naturally and also aids hearing. The surgery may be done under general or local anesthesia. In this procedure, the surgeon uses tissue grafts to repair the defect that is caused in your eardrum. The surgery needs hospitalization and the patient can return to work in a week. The ear would usually heal completely in eight weeks and the patient would notice an improvement in hearing.


The middle part of the ear is connected directly with the mastoid space. Many structures are placed close to the mastoid. This includes your inner ear, your brain, and your facial nerves. It makes the ear surgery very delicate. The procedure is used to clean the mastoid which is done by making an incision behind your outer ear. The outer layer of your bone is removed and any abnormal content is cleaned. When the surgery is complete the incision will be glued or closed with a suture. Mastoidectomy is an outpatient procedure and the patient gets discharged the next day itself. However, the patient will be asked to restrict activity for three weeks.

Ear surgeries are complicated so make sure that you get your ear operation done by an expert only.



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