Laser Resurfacing Process - Its Risks and Benefits

Laser skin resurfacing los Angeles is the way to go if too much exposure to the sun, acne and ageing has left marks on your skin in the form of scars, blotches, lines or wrinkles.

The process of laser skin resurfacing removes skin by peeling off each layer. During healing, new skin cells form, which offers a tighter and younger surface to the skin. This process can be performed alone or with the help of cosmetic surgeries on the face.

Risks and Benefits of Laser Resurfacing Process

Skin surfacing can improve appearance, even if it is unable to produce perfect skin. The procedure, however, has several risks associated with it. 

These are as follows:

  • The laser's heat may cause burns or other kinds of injuries.
  • There may be scarring of skin areas.
  • The skin’s pigmentation is subject to change, including light and dark skin areas.
  • Herpes and cold sores may be reactivated. 
  • The bacterial infection is also a possibility.

How to prepare for Laser Resurfacing

Consult a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon, because expert opinion is advisable to figure out if you're an eligible candidate for the treatment.

Tell your doctor or surgeon if you get fever-blisters around your mouth or cold-sores. People in danger may face breakouts. 

On the occasion that you go ahead with laser resurfacing of the skin, your doctor may ask you to not take medications like aspirin, vitamin E or ibuprofen which can affect clotting for ten days before surgery. 

Smoking may increase the length of time required for healing, so you must refrain from smoking for two weeks before and after the procedure. 

Antibiotic medicine can prevent bacterial infection, and an antiviral if one is susceptible to fever blisters or cold sores.

To know more about laser skin resurfacing in Los Angeles please visit the Website.


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