Signs You Need a Neck Lift

A neck lift surgically removes extra skin and fat from the neck to address age-related wrinkles and sagging in this area and provides a smoother, thinner neck. A cosmetic neck lift is done on its own or along with another procedure, such as a facelift or an eyelift. Know about a few signs that make you a perfect candidate for a neck lift in Los Angeles.

1 - Wrinkles and creases

Wrinkles and wrinkling of the neck are usually the results of weakening of muscles, prolonged exposure to sunlight, and breakdown of collagen. Moderate to the rugged appearance of neck folds can be corrected by neck lift surgery.

2 – Ill-defined jawline

Your face is full when you are young. When you age, you lose fullness in your cheeks, and your jawline tends to take on a more irregular shape. A neck lift can work to restore the appearance of an ill-defined jawline to a naturally youthful look. 

3 - A natural double chin

Double chin is an ugly stretch under the chin associated with weight gain. But factors such as genetics and aging influence the appearance of a double chin. Despite a healthy weight, people born with a short neck or a weak chin can develop a double chin. A neck lipo can restore the slim and youthful profile of your neck.

In a nutshell 

A slim neck indicates a youthful look. You can get improvements to look younger with a neck lift done by a well-known surgeon.


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