Are you unhappy with your Tummy Tuck Results? A Revision might be a Good Option

Tummy-tuck surgeries have a reputation for being extremely beneficial. They are known to tighten the abdominal wall muscles, slim down the tummy, and help remove excess fat and skin to enhance body contours. But there are cases where patients are dissatisfied with their tummy tuck results. In that case, a tummy tuck revision can be a good option to consider. 

Reasons to opt for a Tummy-Tuck Revision:

1. Extra Fat – There are instances where during the first tummy tuck, the level and degree of liposuction performed are insufficient to achieve your goals. This is one of the most common reasons to rectify because a tummy tuck revision requires only liposuction to be performed. 

2. Pseudobursa – When a couple of scar layers of tissue remain disconnected by fluid, it results in a bump above the tummy tuck incision line. This unwanted formation can be flattened out with a revision. 

3. Excess Skin – After a tummy tuck surgery, patients often complain about excess skin in the abdominal area. This excess skin could have actually been trimmed down further but remains avoided. A tummy tuck revision can solve the problem here.  

Recovery after a Tummy Tuck Revision Surgery

The recovery period depends upon several criteria as the revisions are customized to cater to individual needs and preferences. Some of the main criteria are the amount of correction required, incision length, and the patient's age and overall health. Generally, the rest period after a revision is quite similar to the recovery time frame after the original surgery.  

Final Thoughts

Tummy Tuck Revision in Beverly Hills can be considered as a good option if you are looking for a revision procedure with great expertise.  


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